
The scientific committee of the Saudi Society of Emergency Medicine invites committees, task forces, interest groups and individual members to submit abstracts for SASEM2020.

Authors are invited to submit original abstracts related to the field of emergency medicine. Only reports of original research may be submitted. The data should not have been published in a manuscript or e-publication prior to the first day of the annual meeting. Abstracts for which data is not yet available will not be considered. Upon submission, the scientific committee will review the abstract and use a standardized scoring system.

Some of the accepted abstracts will have the opportunity to bepublished in the Saudi Journal of Emergency Medicine.

Authors must ensure that their research/abstract was granted ethical approval by the appropriate body at their institution.

Abstracts must contain original scientific data collected by the author(s). All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to determine whether a submission is accepted as oral or ePoster or rejected, and its decision is final.


A Presenting Author whose abstract has been accepted for either oral or ePoster presentation is required to register and pay the conference registration fee by January 27th 2020, attend the meeting, and deliver a presentation of the abstract.

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

Must include title, author, and affiliation.

The abstract text should have a minimum of 250 words and a
maximum of 400 words (6000 Characters) only.

A maximum of 2 tables can be submitted and each table should only
have a maximum of 5 columns and 10 rows.

A maximum of 2 figures/graphs can be submitted and should be in
jpg/ bmp / gif formats with a maximum file size of 250 KB

Submission Format:

No more than 15 words/90 characters. The title should summarize the abstract
and contain the major keywords. Do not include abbreviations, acronyms, or
initialism. Capitalize entire title.

Authors and Affiliations: 

Enter only primary affiliation for each author. Spell
out the name of the primary institution for each author. Do not use
abbreviations such as univ. or KAUH.

Abstract Structures:

The abstract structured is required and should be organized into
the four sections below

Outlines the questions addressed by the research. The first sentence should be as interesting as possible. May provide a concise review of what is known, what remains unknown and how your research project fills the knowledge gaps. The
final sentence of the background describes the purpose of the study.

The following areas must specifically be mentioned: research setting, number of patients enrolled in the study and how they were selected; a description of the intervention; and a listing of the outcome variables and how they were
measured. Finally, the statistical methods used to analyze the data are described.

Results: Begin with a description of the subjects that were included and excluded from the study. For those excluded, provide the reason for their exclusion. Next, list the frequencies of the most important outcome variables. If possible present comparisons of the outcome variables between various subgroups within the study. Numerical results should include standard deviations or 95% confidence limits and level of statistical significance. If the results are not statistically significant, present the power of your study to detect a difference.

Conclusion: State concisely what can be concluded and its implications. The conclusion must be supported by the data presented in the abstract; never present unsubstantiated personal opinion.

Within the body of the abstract, DO NOT:

– Include references in the abstract.

– Insert hard returns or code for justification, hyphenation,
line height, line centering, margins, spacing, fonts, page centering, page numbering, suppression, or tabs, underlining, boldface type, italics, subscripts, superscripts or to insert headings, spaces between paragraphs, references, or footnotes

– Use bulleted lists; or

– Use abbreviations on first mention. (Spell out the name in full and follow with abbreviations in parenthesis. Abbreviations may be used in subsequent mentions.

Please note: Your
abstract will not be edited; you are responsible for any spelling, grammatical,
and typographical errors.